Friday, August 17, 2018

b u n n y h u n t e r

in florida once a few years ago i met this big blonde firearms enthusiast. she had a ridiculous name on her business card just above "firearms enthusiast" and she had a nice face and some hateful things to say that she seemed to be believing less and less. She was a youtube personality but it seems like she isn't anymore. her internet presence is gone. i said she seemed to be believing her talking points less and less because i could see the way her eyes would grow dull and sad as the hate left her mouth. and i would watch as she listened to things i said that were not centered around us and them. she listened and i knew there was a soul like mine, so deep away from all the surface materials. untouched, the soul. untouched the woman. her friend was on coke and losing it and she needed to take her home. a couple weeks later she asked me to follow her on twitter, and i didn't.