1. This is the joke we had after leaving the Shake Shack near Central park:
"Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Shake Shack near Central Park?"
2. Yeah you just go through the side entrance of the Natural History Museum and wander the science center unable to figure out how to get to the top of the walking curving timeline of the Universe exhibit so one of you goes the opposite direction (starting from 13.7 billion years into) while
3. the other one of you takes the elevator to the top of the exhibit but somehow ends up above it and unable to enter through the theater that leads out and onto the beginning of time and so frustrated meets you back near the second floor restrooms that you both use and then
3. continue wandering the animals of North America exhibit intrigued that there are indeed jaguars in the deserts of Mexico or something and then both of you go have a seat next to the Teddy Roosevelt statue and engage in mutual existential crises while both soothing and
4. falling apart in front of one another until you are ready to wander through the natives of the Pacific Northwest exhibit and somehow be sad and scared for and the native ways of life gone and the cries they might be playing over the loud speakers or imagined so you
5. hold each other close, closer than you already are holding each other close and you realize that you don't have the patience or legs for this museum anymore that you donated five dollars each to enter cuz you both realized once you got to Brooklyn that you we both
6. were broke and panicked but happy and panicked and happy so happy as you got out of the museum on the other side and started walking and across the street from the near the northwest corner was a Shake Shack and everything about that sounded good both the shake and the implication that
7. a shack would be a place of affordability if not nothing else and so you both went and ordered and oh how I wish I could remember the flavors we got but somehow I know she knows if I just ask her her memory is like a sponge and we felt like sponges walking in the humid heat
8. filling ourselves with cold thick sugary dairy through two straws trying each others milkshakes and wandering back into Central Park as we saw a man eyeing our shakes and we imagined how we would tell people our directions to the Shake Shack from there like the ways we just mentioned