what happens in all this kissing. a question is everything. so why designate it with something so degrading as that curlicued symbol. lips. woman. i realized you, remember. it was above some bedsheets on the eastside. it was on a dancefloor downtown. a yoga mat tucked beneath secluded oak trees in the palisades. in my mind. that's where it lives, in my mind.
am i a ten cent magician. i wrote a story with a pig. i want to make it before pigs are everywhere. i've been seeing pigs permeating the zeitgeist. it's only a matter of time. i used to work at an animal sanctuary with behemoth pigs of incredible strength. we called them buddha pigs cuz they'd been rescued from a monastery.
but what happens on a cellular level. do we impregnate a need. a chasm. an empty womb. cultivate a fetus composed of spare parts and organs in order to birth a tied together neglected transaction best fulfilled by what we made ourselves. on fourth of july a long time ago. i was a young man. i kissed an older woman. i kissed a teenager. i blazed through malibu like a gin soaked wildfire.
tom robbins said the society is merely a forum/gymnasium to exercise and test the human spirit. he said it's never too late for a happy childhood.